As humans, we all crave structure. So, why not apply that to your podcast?

The best way to attract listeners and keep them coming back for more is to provide them with a structure they can count on.

Branding, messaging, and tone, are three important aspects of your podcast structure. Your listeners need to recognize your podcast both visually and audibly. However, there are more ways to build that structure that will not only enhance your influence but grow it.

One key aspect of structure that will enhance any podcast is a consistent episode release.

Content will always be the driving force behind a successful podcast. Content, content, content. The more content, the better. But, when that content drops, is just as important as the content itself.

Podcast audiences crave a regularly established standing episode release date. For instance, every Monday, they know your next episode will drop. Giving your audience a timeframe with which to expect your next episode keeps them hooked and on their toes awaiting your content. You can market your content with teasers and reminders, and this schedule keeps you accountable for getting your content released without gaps.

Another useful piece of structure is to use episode show notes!

Show notes are linked to each episode and allow you to provide your audience with tangible supplemental materials to support your episode content. For instance, if you reference an institution or organization within your episode, you then link their website in your show notes. Elaborate on your talking points by providing definitions, additional blog posts, etc. that your audience can interact with. Providing show notes for your audience helps them to successfully structure the information you provide them. Reliable show notes with each of your episodes will be another thing your audience can come to expect from you.

Structure helps people organize. Your voice is important, so you need to make sure your audience can organize the information you are giving them. Your audience wants structure, so how are you going to give it to them?

Remember, podcasting is all about content. Delivering that content to your audience in ways that THEY want, is the best way to grow your podcast community!


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