Podcasting and Social Media

Podcasting and Social Media go hand in hand. The success of your podcast hinges on the social media marketing efforts you pursue, surrounding the visibility of your brand.

Why is this true, you ask?

Because word of mouth is key! How will people download your podcast if they don’t know it exists?

These days word of mouth travels most quickly and most frequently through LinkedIn updates, email blasts, Facebook posts, tweets, and Instagram stories. If you are not using these platforms to increase the scope of your brands reach, then you are missing out on a huge opportunity!

Just like yourself, your audience is likely already using these platforms on a daily basis. The key is to get your content visible on their feeds. Constant content updating, commenting, and interacting is important to gain and retain followers.

Here are some Social Media Quick Tips for increasing Podcast Visibility:

  • Promote: Announce the release of each episode. Build hype, release smaller teaser clips, introduce your upcoming guest, or spark a conversation surrounding the episode topic. Once the episode is posted, make sure you guest shares it on THEIR social platforms as well.
  • Strategize: Figure out the time of day that gets your posts the most visibility. When are your followers most likely to be scrolling their feeds? This may take a bit of experimenting, but you will ultimately understand when your listeners are likely to engage.
  • Recirculate: Reshare, retweet, like and comment on OTHER posted content. Listen to other podcasts and repost the ones you like! Only sharing your content becomes spammy and self-interested. Make sure to engage with the content you like from other posters and they will do the same with yours. Post and then repost your podcast. If you share just once you limit the potential listeners who will see it. Share the same episode several times for maximum visibility.
  • Call To Action: Ask your listeners for a share, like, or comment not only for the current episode but for the podcast as a whole. Encourage them to download your app if they like what they hear!

Creating content is the first step. Creating visibility is the second. The portable and easily accessible nature of podcasts makes them easily shareable across all social platforms. Social media is the number one form of information sharing today. From news to entertainment, this is where people are plugged in all day every day. Make your podcast visible on these platforms and you’ll build your audience in no time.

Our team of experts at WorkforcePods will set you up with a social sharing site that allows you to post content to ALL of your social media platforms in one place! Contact us HERE to get started!