Podcasts are changing education in America.

According to recent statistics, 64% of Americans have heard of podcasts. Research suggests that 12 million people listened to a podcast for the first time this year. As listenership continues to increase, so do opportunities for advertising and monetization.  Podcast-generated revenue rose from $69 million in 2015 to $220 million in 2017. In the last four years alone, the popularity of podcast listening has doubled.

Even more interesting, however, is WHAT people are listening to. Entertainment of all kinds is expected to have popularity, and it does. From sports to music, to reality TV recaps. But one unlikely category takes the cake. That category is educational podcasts.

Educational Podcasts

There are all different sorts of educational podcasts, from academic research to scholarly inquiries. More and more podcast listeners are turning to this platform to LEARN! Since access to podcasts is so easily attained, it is easier for a person to participate in educational discourse via there smartphone, than to attend a university seminar. Podcasts are changing the game in how we share information and listeners are craving higher knowledge in this space.

It is our duty as responsible citizens to educate, and continue to educate ourselves. However, when the higher levels of discourse are reserved for the very expensive college classroom, not everyone has the chance to access it. Podcasts are bridging that gap. Topics on everything from anatomy to history are being discussed at length in podcast episodes. Studies even show that auditory learning can be more effective than reading. What better than an audio platform that you can download right to your phone to let you learn while you drive, walk, exercise, etc?

This could be a true gamechanger in terms of educational potential and capacity in our country and worldwide. Access to education on a higher level creates a more informed and productive society. Podcasts are providing millions with that opportunity in a new way.

Podcasts are powerful. They allow us to communicate worldwide, at our fingertips and through our earbuds. It is incredibly exciting to think of the future implications of this mass audio education. Podcasts are the future, and an exciting one at that.