Tying your podcast episode release to social media marketing is intrinsic to podcast success. Simply put, podcasts are a digital audio form that is perpetuated by a community of digital listeners. Marketing in digital spaces is, therefore, a must. As is the case with any marketing strategy, there are best practices to observe which will increase your posting success, and thus, your podcast listenership.

The following are answers to the most frequently asked questions about social media posts for podcasts.

1. How can I share information on finding my podcast with potential listeners who I meet in person?

Encourage any potential listener you encounter to follow you on all social media platforms. At this point today, people are likely plugged into at least one social media platform daily, if not more! Of course, this means you must be proactive about updating your podcast content to these pages.

Perhaps try creating a business card just for your podcast! Include your artwork, show title, a list of directories where your show can be found, and all of your social media handles so they can find you online!

Don’t forget to showcase your app! It is available for free download on Android and iPhones and makes listening in that much easier.

2. How can I use social media to find new podcast listeners?

One word. HASHTAGS! I know this may make you want to roll your eyes, but let me explain. Creating a hashtag and attaching it consistently to specific content, means narrowing down search results, distinctly linking them to your posts. Every post you use your specific tag on then populates when someone types it into a search bar. For instance, each time we post our podcast we include #180Podcast. Now, when anyone types #180Podcast into their search bar on LinkedIn (or Facebook, or Twitter) they are provided with a full compilation of our previous posts which included the tag. This makes finding your show that much quicker and easier! 

3. What should a sample post look like for a new episode of my show?

So here is the rule…TEASE the CONTENT! Simply telling followers that a new episode of your podcast is available is not enough to garner a click! Tell listeners what they can expect to hear! 

For instance, here is a recent post we pushed out for an episode of #180Podcast;

“Are you racking your brain trying to figure out how to get more followers and listeners? Check out this clip from episode 51 of #180Podcast where Doug Foresta talks about “The Ask Method.” Listen to the full episode here! https://goo.gl/t1Rxiw#workforcepods#WePodcast#WePodcastMovement#startapodcast#followers#listeners#growyourfollowers

You’ll notice we teased the subject matter, tagged our episode host, included other appropriate hashtags, and a link for listening to the full episode.

4. What does a sample post look like that my episode guest can use to post on THEIR social media?

“I sat down with @MikeFazio on the latest episode of #180Podcast to discuss how to successfully follow up with employers. Click here to listen to the full episode now and get the secrets to success! http://180podcast.libsyn.com/e59-how-to-follow-up-successfully  #workforcepros #followingup #WePodcast 

The key components to this sample post are teasing the episode content, tagging the host of the show, using the title of the show as a hashtag, including the URL to the full episode, and adding appropriate hashtags. This simple formula is all they need to help promote the episode!

5. What kind of content should I be posting to supplement promotion of my podcast?

To start you should be posting a content teasing post each time a new episode is available. You should then aim to recycle old episodes for an additional post(s) in the following week(s).

However, you can’t just post about your own show and expect people not to get bored!

  • Get into the habit of posting OTHER podcasts. This helps to engage listeners deeper into podcast culture. The more they occupy the podcasting space in general, the more they will continue downloading your episodes!
  • News about the booming podcast industry is servicing on the daily! Share this news with your listeners to keep them up to date on the ever-evolving world of podcasting.
  • Share information about the guests you are bringing on your show. You are establishing authority with your brand, so make it clear why these influential people are such special guests.
  • Post about your favorite episodes from other podcast shows. Again, the more you celebrate podcasting as a genre, the more you will attract potential listeners to your own podcast.


Have any other burning questions about podcast promotion through social media? Drop us a line at [email protected] and let’s chat!