There are many factors behind the growing success of podcasting, but most prominently is how intrinsically podcasting culture fits into today’s society. It’s not just podcasting, it’s adapting to the current trends. Our cultural values are centered on immediacy. We like minute to minute updates, right at our fingertips. Podcasting is the perfect match for these values because it provides information that is easy to update, easy to access, and easy to multitask with.

Easy to use -Portable – Information at our fingertips

Podcasting is relevant and accessible which, therefore, makes it an excellent tool for leveraging your business. The following are a few of the many factors about the podcasting world that make it a viable next move for any business.

  • Podcasting and the rise of Smart Speakers: The ability to play podcasts with smart speakers is a huge opportunity for the podcast industry. The value of a podcast subscription goes that much further with the ability to play episodes with simple voice commands. It seamlessly fits into our hands-free, technology dependent lifestyle.
  • For more on podcasting and smart speakers check our this blog post HERE!
  • Spotify Streaming: Spotify is the leading video and music directory available for free and for a paid subscription. With podcasts now listed here, potential podcast listenership has increased exponentially.
  • Google Analytics: In 2017 a new version of Apple’s podcast app rolled out that provides basic analytics to podcast creators. It includes the ability to see when podcast listeners play individual episodes, what part of each episode they listen to, which parts they skip over, and when they stop listening to the episode.
  • Niche Genres and Topics: From entertainment to news, to sports, and even science, there is a podcast market for any genre, industry, topic, hobby, and trend. This individualized and specific platform has a potential program for any person on any topic they are interested in hearing about.

We are storytelling and communicating better than ever with this medium that fits our lifestyles and our thirst for information! Let us help you start your own podcast and start leveraging your business more thoroughly today!